Saturday, October 12, 2013

Commitment and Sacrifice.

      Today I wanted to talk about 2 things that we run into during our path to whatever goal we have,  Commitment and Sacrifice.

     Something Chris always says to me, when your committed to your goals then nothing is a sacrifice. I totally agree with him! You learn to work around, live thru and make it work and eventually it is your everyday normal!

      I can understand and see that some people may or may not agree with that. Some people may think you have to scarifice time. Time with your family, friends and job, but when you surround yourself with the people that can help you who will be there to help you with your goals you will get more time with them! Involve your family! Do it together and again no time sacrificed away from them! If you are truly committed to your goals and you live your life to better yourself and make those goals happen, they will!

      How do you get to that point? You learn everyday, you live everyday trying and you do it one step at a time. Everyday commit time to work on your goals. Schedule your time (30 min to an hr) and make sure you take it everyday.  Maybe its with your morning coffee, when your kid is down for a nap or after dinner when everyone is winding down for the day. Its amazing what you can achieve when you make time for it. Get off FB, turn your ringer off and dont text, have your kids to a little extra around the house to free up time for you. There are 24 hrs in a day and 1 of them should be spent learning how, why and make it happen! After you have a grasp of what your goals are and have them written down its time to plan and put into action! This is where you again commit that time to make it happen! If it's cooking healthy make a weekly meal plan. Grocery shop as a family and learn together as you go thru and read labels so everyone understands. Pick a day or 2 to prep and cook food for the week so you have no reason to fall off track and make bad decisions.  If your used to eating really bad do small healthy adjustments each week so its not overwhelming. Again it becomes an everyday way of life. You can apply this to any goal! Health, nutrition, spending time with spouse, volunteering or what ever you choose.

      So, pick a goal, research, write it down, spend time everyday to make it happen and involve loved ones so you are all bettering yourselves! So you see....when you committed and have a purpose and make the time you sacrifice nothing because your doing it together! If it so happens someone does not understand don't try and make them or get mad for mot having their support. Instead continue to work towards your goals and either they come around or they won't.  If their not accepting or bring you down chances are you don't nees them in your life. If someone is there truly as a friend or family member regardless or not if they do it with you....they will be there for you to support and help you with anything you need.

One last thing. If you don't know how to do something ASK! It will only help you!

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