Thursday, October 24, 2013

Balancing Work, Home Live & Healthy Living

      Balancing work, home and health can be hard for many of you. You may feel like you are neglecting some part of your everyday life by spending time doing other things. I can understand that, and I want to help if I can to try and balance your time a bit better. One thing you need to understand is that it IS OK to take time for yourself and not feel bad about it! I truly believe that if you get that small break everyday, week or month that you will be much happier and the things you want to balance and enjoy in life will be much easier to do!

      There are a HUGE and growing number of things that pull us in every direction each day from the morning hassles of waking the kids up, getting ready for work, home stresses, work stresses, fitness, cleaning, reading, sports, school events and so much more. Some things to consider when you have all this going on, you can not do it alone (I struggle wanting to, so I understand) so ask for help if you need, no one is a super human so realize what you can and can not do, and plan ahead so at least you know what each day will bring. Surprises may show up from time to time and you just deal with them as you go. This link Remember it takes time, is to a blog I did earlier that may help you understand how to set you goal and make it happen and you can apply this to your family life, so please read.

      So, how do you go about balancing life as a full time worker and parent while trying to stay healthy you ask? Simple.....well maybe ;). You have to take the time to adjust and make it happen. If your having a hard time now it wont come in a week so lets be realistic and take small steps towards it. If your managing it ok but want some more direction then this may be a bit easier for you. First, you need to lay out your day, what do you do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Second, what do you want to do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Do they match up, probably not. So what can you take out that is taking up and using your precious time that you don't need, get rid of it! This is something you need to do as a home or family. Get them involved in the decisions, spouse especially so your on the same page to make the transition easier. Now, PLAN your day, week or month. Pick one day of the week to take an hr or two to plan your week. Know what events are happening, what you will eat ( have a back up plan and prep your foods weekly, make a lot in advance and freeze), how many days you want to workout, if you want a day night and so on. Schedule ME time. If you work early, get home late and have to make dinner, do dishes, get the kids around for bed and feel like there is no time left well then we need to time manage and see what we can do to change that. If your children are old enough give them the task of helping out with dishes, getting clothes around, cleaning up after themselves and get them in the habit of putting their things away so that frees up your time, daily chores never hurt anyone. Get your spouse involved, have he are she help with dinner if they can or pick up the kids. Delegate the duties so the whole burden is off you. If fitness is important to you and you just cant find the time, well thats what your scheduled me time is for. Get up early and go for a run, do some HIIT training at home, get a gym membership to a 24hr gym, wake up early and go (bring things to get ready there or go back home). Join the gym as a family and do it together. Learn and grow together. Make time for the things that are important to you and not what everyone thinks you should be doing. We live in a world where everyone judges on what kinda of things you do and how you spend your time, Example: Fit mom judged, saying she is making bigger women feel bad. Really has it come down to what makes you happy. Ultimately it comes down to what are you willing to do and what are you doing to achieve your daily goals. If your not planning and making an effort it will be stressful and you may give up. If you plan and get in the habit of a daily system it will be less stressful on you. You need to choose the things you can manage, let the things go that you can't and enjoy your ME time because when your happy, life is much better!

      I know I'm not a working parent at this time so you may not take what I say to heart and thats ok, you may think that I don't understand whats its like to work all day and take care of kids and balance fitness along with it. I think its exactly the opposite! I may stay at home now but I have had so much experience is so many aspects of life and managing time, I have worked 2 jobs and went to school part time at the same time (3 hrs of driving everyday to and from), I have worked full time, volunteered my time and had a social life all at the same time, I have worked full time, trained and managed my home full time, so just because Im home for the moment doesn't mean I don't understand. What matters is that I do what it takes to make the family life happy, me happy and manage my time to be able to. It took me TIME to realize it all and to be organized but once you get into a daily routine, it runs smoothly (most of the time)!

Much Thanks,
T. Anderson

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