Thursday, November 21, 2013

Holliday stress, foods, motivation and so much more.


  With the holidays just around the corner so many are worried about stree, eating, unhealthy foods, traveling, money, hosting, what to make, ontop of so much more. I'm here to tell ya a bit about what may help you relieve some of the stress, try to keep you motivated and let you know DO NOT over think it!

      First off let's talk about the stress of hosting and the financial pressure it can hold. If your anything like me, you LOVE to host and you go all out! Hosting and having people over for special occasions is something that can get out of hand tho, financially and mentally. There are a few ways you can try to avoid or lower the stresses of this. Delegate, don't try and do everything yourself. Again if your like me that is hard to do, I like to plan and do everything. You can plan your menu, figure out what you make best, ask your guests what they would be willing to bring and let them know what is in your menu. This will take less time for you in food prep and lower some costs on supplies and food. Once your meal plan is set and you
know who is bringing what you can focus on your portion of the meal and how you want to set it up.
I'm a big homemade fan for most everything, that way I know what I'm ingesting and I can adjust amounts to what I need. If you prep and plan your menu ahead of time it will save you time in the long run. You can divide up when you buy your items. If you have your plan months out each week/paycheck, etc you can buy a little here and there if they are items that will keep, leaving the last minute stuff to get when you need it. Try to use things that you keep around your home to avoid extra costs, look for sales at the store and don't go overboard. Remember delegate and let other people bring things too. Decorating and set up for the holidays can be stressful as well, you want everything perfect (I know I do too). Start ahead of time, plan how you want everything to be and plan where you want it all to go. Do you see a theme here.....PLAN, PLAN, PLAN. Set up whatever you can ahead of time, ask people to bring extra chairs, etc, no need to buy extras when people can provide them. Putting the whole burden on you will set you up for a stressful day, your guests should be willing and glad to help in anyway they can. After all this isn't a time to outdo anyone, or feel like your alone in all the planning, it's time to enjoy one another, help each other and celebrate love, life, family and friends.

                      FOODS AND GUILT
      It's easy to want to pig out when your around family and friends, especially during the holiday's, but if you have a health goal or your trying to work towards one then you need to take a step back and think about what's best for you and your body. "Grazing" all day, having thirds, and every different kind of desert you can find is not the best way to stay on track. Instead if you know your
menu ahead of time think about the foods you love and the ones you can do without, don't eat until
your stuffed and keep your portion size small. Use a smaller plate and eat 5-6 SMALL meals during
that day like normal so your just having a tiny bit of everything you LOVE. More then likely people will encourage you to eat more or say "hey, try this" or "come on, it's the holidays it's ok to enjoy yourself".....well that's THEM not YOU. Do they have your goals, do they look how you want to We'll then why would you listen to them?!!!!! You are your own person with your own
plan, do not let someone make you feel guily about trying to be better. No one should make you feel
that way, if they try to just tell them, "your more then welcome to have what ever you want but I have my own plan so no thank you". They may or may not understand or get it and that's ok. You know what u need to do, why satisfy someone else's ego or feelings and set yours aside? Learn to say no and stick to it.


      You may all think yeah sure, easy for you to do and say. NO! It's not easy, yes I do enjoy 
treats, yes I do want to pig out till I'm stuffed, yes I want to try every single thing brought, but do I? NO! Why, because it's not part of my plan. I know it's not what I need to do to achieve my goals. Do what it takes and do what is right for your individual plan. Have a clear plan of 
what you want to achieve going into the holidays, if it's not going to help you, say no! Every time you say no it gets easier and easier, infact start practicing now. Remember you are your own person and letting people dictate what you do is losing control of yourself. Have healthy alternatives at your holiday event in case you feel tempted. Talk about how great you feel 
getting healthy and eating clean, people will listen. Bottom line is DO NOT LET PEOPLE DICTATE YOU GOALS, you are your own person and can make your own choices. 

      Traveling so something many of us do during the holidays and staying on track is hard to do. Here is a little secret, PLAN.....what's that..... Yes PLAN! If you know when your leaving and what
your doing then you can plan, prep and take the tools necessary with you to make it happen. Simple as that. 


      We love the holidays! This holiday season will be a bit different for us because we have our little addition to our family this year, Mr. Booty! He travels amazing so we r lucky there and he eats the same foods we do so no need to worry about baby food (except formula). We are going to be traveling to Indiana to see Christopher's brother, his family and mom. From what I know this family knows how to eat tasty foods, foods we don't normally eat anymore and while Chris might endulge a bit I however will stay the course. We will be having traditional foods there made from the heart and you all know where that goes....straight to your ASS, LOL! We will be bringing the pies and other treats, homemade of course! We are human too and while we r a little nutty when it comes to eating
healthy we also enjoy here and there. We eat according to our goals and if it's not worth it we don't have it. As tempting as all that food will be, feeling good is an even better feeling! When your mind is clear and focused you will do what it takes, regardless of what the buzz is around you.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Its the small things.

      Everyday Chris and I always have great conversations, however somedays one of us is more busy then the other, working late, training, taking care of Tesla etc. This morning we had a few extra minutes to chat and it was such a wonderful conversation! Some days its the small gestures that can make your whole day change! We talked about lots of things but what I took from it was how much we care, love and appreciate one another. We always say we " I love you " and I think we do something to show that everyday, but this morning being reminded just how luck I am to have a husband who is so supportive in everything I want to do, never says no you shouldn't do that, or doesn't believe in me. He is one of the best dads I know because he is always willing to do anything for Tesla. He does what a dad is supposed to do without ever complaining. Im sure he has change more poopy diapers then me, cleaned up so much puke, feeds him everyday and just enjoys every second with him. Today I was reminded how much Chris means to me and to us as a family and today I'm so grateful to have learned that all over again!

Truly Blessed Everyday!