Over the past few days I have had time to reflect on the week of Thanksgiving and the few days following. Now I know times have changed, people and the world are different but don't you think being polite and being grateful are just NORMAL things people should do. We should be doing these things everyday. When it comes to the holidays we should be even more mindful, grateful, happy and helpful, yet people are rude, mean, hateful and don't seen to care for the people surrounding them. Everyone is in a hurry well before thanksgiving to rush rush and forget to enjoy. I had yet to hear someone when we are out say "excuse me, thank you or oh no it's ok you go right ahead". What the hell is wrong with you all? Being is a hurry in the grocery store and being rude to people won't help you get to the check out line faster and reduce your stress. Plan, enjoy and be mindful of the people around you. Stabbing, tazering and beating people up for parking spots and electronic items is the dumbest thing I have ever seen or heard of! Please tell me how going to jail will help you with your family and holidays......idiots! Please tell me, why don't people just enjoy each other or make homemade gifts? Why is it soooooo important to have the best or try to be better and outdo everyone? Is it worth the stress, the time it takes, and the energy to be that hateful or negative? Why can't we take that time and energy and be positive, "say oh I'm sorry for bumping into you", "wait, you only have that little bit, please go ahead of me ". I can't tell you how many people I said "oh excuses me" or " nope your fine go right ahead". The positive impact that has can make someone's day and yours too. There is far less stress in being positive and taking a few minutes extra to get things done. Don't over plan and delegate if you can't be super person. This world has become a place where Christmas is all about better presents and the best decorations, it even over shadows thanksgiving and no one enjoys that time with each other anymore like they should. Start thinking of other people and less of ourselves.
Is this really worth it?
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