Sunday, December 29, 2013

"New Years Resolution"

Resolution: To make a definite and serious decision to do something.

      We all have a "new year, new me" attitude every year just before new years day hits. So many different ways we all want to change our lives, health, finances, love, etc. Most of us don't succeed. I believe a huge reason why that happens is that we go into it with the wrong mindset, with no research and without a solid plan. Its easy to say, I want to be healthy but knowing the steps to actually succeed is another story. This is the same for any resolution you may have. Here are the top 10 resolutions for 2014.

1. Spending more time with friends and family.
2. Fit and Fitness
3. Taming the bulge
4. Quit smoking
5. Enjoy life more
6. Quit drinking
7. Get out of debt
8. Learn something new
9. Help others
10. Get organized

      All of these are wonderful things to want to change in your life, good news is its all possible! Bad news is most of you won't put the time into it to succeed. Hard truth to hear but its the truth non the less.

      Taking the necessary steps to avoid failing is the only way to ensure your success! I hope I'm able to help point you in the right direction and give you some ideas and tips to get you started on your successful path to a GREAT new year! Like the picture above says, NO MORE RESOLUTIONS. I agree with this 100%! Take health for example. Every year millions of people say "my new years resolution is to lose weight". Thats great, but to resolve something you need to change, understand and make a plan. It then isn't just a I want to do this, its a I have a plan to really change my life.

      I will use health as all of my examples as it is one of the most popular and most interesting to many of you.  I understand that being healthy isn't easy, there are many things out there that contradict one another and it is confusing to even know where to start. There is no simple answer or solution that I can tell to you. Everyones body is different, Everyones health goals are as well and because of that, everyone needs something specific to their own specific needs. With that being said there are basics that everyone should be doing for a healthy lifestyle change and to ensure that your "resolution" will stick. 1. Set a long term goal, 2. Set short term goals to lead you to your long term goal (having small goals makes the long term more obtainable), 3. Research what you need to succeed, 4. Make a step by step plan, 5. Find people to help you if you need the help, 6. Enjoy that process/know there will be setbacks.
Your "resolution" could take weeks/months/years to happen, but if you really want so resolve something like the definition says its a serious and definite action. You give anything less then that and you may fail. I have seen it many many tiny times and I have done it myself. Its only when you take serious action that it will come to happen.

      My example: I started my "resolution" early 2011 when my husband deployed. I had just a small goal and that was to learn to be healthy and lose weight along the way. It was hard, I didn't know where to begin or what to believe. Day by day I researched, went to the gym, ate smaller meals/portion sizes and tried hard to see what worked out for me. As I learned more I lost more, became stronger and gained a passion to learn how/why and what I needed to do to succeed. Fast forward a bit and I get pregnant with our now 10 month old son. During the pregnancy I had to relearn how to be healthy in a new way. After all that hard work I again had to learn more. Tesla is born and almost back where I started. HUGE setback!!! I guess I was lucky enough to have been healthy before. So I start back over again, this time with a new goal. I wanted to compete, I wanted to look amazing and feel amazing, as many of you moms can relate, so I did it. I made small goals each month, researched, planned and in nov of this year 8 months after giving birth (in my case a C-Section) I walked on stage and took 8th place out of 14. It was not easy, but it was worth every missed BBQ, drink, early morning and endless hrs of prep and gym time. If that isn't the definition of resolving something IDK what is. Its almost 3yrs later and I'm still figuring out how everything works, I'm going to school to help train and educate and I'm continuing on my competing as well.

      Health goal example: Long term- A 220 lb person wants to get healthy and lost weight for their family. This is such a general goal and without a plan and the know how most will give up. So lets break that down. These are the questions you need to ask yourself. 1. What is my ultimate goal? 2. What does getting healthy mean to you? 3. Do lbs really matter? 4. What do I need to focus on? 5.How do I learn to eat clean? 6. Will my family do this with me? 7. What do I do to exercise? 8. Do I have a daily plan? 9. Should I make small specific goals to make sure I succeed.  Once you have answered those questions you can start to put a plan into motion. Answers.
1. Your ultimate goal. You need a solid goal not just I want to lose or i want to be healthy. Without a specific goal you will lack direction. "I am a size 16, I want to get down to a size 10, and learn how to eat and workout to continue to increase my knowledge and then re asses my goals. That is more specific then I want to lose weight and be healthy. Now you have a clear goal and you can go from there.
2. Getting healthy to me means eating 5-6 small meals a day, clean foods and learning in the mean time.
3. Lbs are just a number and can be misleading. I need to focus on whats in the mirror and my inches rather then weight. ( so say off the scale…lol )
4. I need to focus on smaller goals, meal prep, educating myself, and making each day count.
5. Clean eating, ask people who have had success, research online, prep meals and always keep learning.
6. Involving your family can make your success faster but isn't necessary, just let them know that this is important to you and to please respect your goals.
7. Again research, ask someone, higher a coach, JUST GET IN THERE, lose the fear that people are watching you because to be honest there are 2 kinds of people one in the gym that actually is there to workout and be fit really cares about what your doing 2. the others don't know what they are doing in there anyways.
8. If you don't have a daily plan, spend time to make one for the month. Foods, working out, researching, family time, etc.
9. YES, smaller goals will make your larger one more obtainable.

      Its easy to give up because its hard and it takes time but in the long run if u want something bad enough you will take all the time necessary to achieve that "resolution". Its the only way to truly change and to make you "resolution" stick. The questions above can be used to change any part of your life and your goals. Just remember that you need to be serious about the changes you want to make, you need to have a clear goal and and clear plan. If you don't know, ask. Make small goals. If you need support ask for it, if you don't good for you do your thing. Two of the biggest things to remember is to know IT TAKES TIME( another blog to read about taking time ), & LOVE YOUR JOURNEY! I have spent 3 years on my life change and am still going, it won't happen over night and it may be slow progress, BUT its progress. Good luck! 

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