Monday, February 17, 2014

Getting back into it after baby.

    I just want to quickly say that this is my opinion and you should always check with you doctor before beginning a new workout routine after you have a baby!

      It is important to make sure your body is ready to handle physical activity again! With that being said, start slow, see what you body can do and work from there. Everyone will be different, have different goals and progress at different rates and of course nutrition plays a huge role! Remember if your breast feeding do not cut calories, baby and you need them! 

      Being active is one of the best things you can do for your body, your mind and your family! Speaking of family. It is not easy to balance a new baby and working out, but it is important for you to get your workouts in and to get moving again. If you can block out some time a few days a week to get moving and have some alone time id suggest it highly! Once you have a short and long term goal set you can get back into working out again (going in without one most likely ends up in quitting). Like I said earlier, start slow. Its not all about cardio. Many women lose a ton of muscle mass while pregnant and speaking from experience I know we all want the weight to fall off but building that muscle is important. So ladies, LIFT weights when your back in there. To save on time do multi join exercise, circuit training or CrossFit type workouts. Build your strength back up! For some of you, you may think lifting makes women bulky. PLEASE STOP thinking that. I is the best tool to shape your body, lose inches and help shed body fat! If you don't believe me, please check out my Facebook page ( Tasha Crankshaw Anderson) Im proof.  You can spend a half hr or so strength training to start and build your body back up. Again everyone will be different. As you go more often or are you progress you will notice body changes and you will be stronger then before! If your going to do cardio again start slow! Get in a brisk walk, light run or use the stair master. Each time u go add speed and continue to get better! Go from a lit run to a moderate run or a few HIIT sessions a week and a pace you can handle. 

      If the gym isn't an option take a walk, do body weight exercises in your quiet time at home, get a few weights to use at home, take up a hobby like tennis or swimming to keep active. A gym is great but I understand that not everyone will or can afford to go. That isn't an excuse to not be active tho. Back yards are great for sprinting, you can buy a jump rope from any store and your own body weight is enough to get started! Basic exercise like squats, lunges & push-ups take up a small space and a short amount of time!

      I know putting kids in daycare for your own personal time might not be popular with some moms out there but its something I choose to do. I get to have time set aside for my personal growth and Tesla gets to interact with other children and adults for about 3 hrs a day. I think thats a win win for us both. I believe that if a parent does not get the opportunity for personal growth and a mental break that the stresses of parent hood are 10x's more then what they need to be.  Yes it is about the child after they are born but if your not mentally there or so unhappy it WILL hinder your ability to be a good parent. So I have yet to find it a bad thing.

      Remember that balance is keep or it will burn you out. Sleep is important as well as hydration and nutrition. If you have a wonderful partner/friend/family to lean on for help and time, do it! We are not super women! Plan your time away to ensure you are on track and have it to use. If your feeling bogged down check you nutrition and sleeping habits. EAT food and enough if it! Don't live on a 1200 calorie diet hoping to feel great and lose weight. 

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